Marcello Galli

From 1984 to 2019: researcher at the italian agency: .

Obsolete postal Address at ENEA:

Via Martiri di Montesole, 4
40129 Bologna - Italy

An old web page at ENEA (maybe it still works).

E-Mail: (valid up to December 2020)

E-Mail: marcello.galli at


Socials: facebook , instagram , and also a twitter and a linkedin account, but I don't use these often.


Main Activities

Other Activities


  • Contract professor at Bologna University, from 2001 until 2006; teaching al the: "Scuola di Perfezionamento in Fisica Sanitaria dell'Universita' di Bologna".
    The course notes (in italian language) can be found here

Other interests


  • Married since 1989, two sons.

Some papers

  • M.Galli "JETS: A Program for Jet Analysis of High Energy Collision Events" Comp.Phys.Comm. 34:135(1984)
  • "GERES: A Code to Process MC2-II Data for Heterogeneous fast Reactor Cell Calculation" , Nucl.Sci.Eng. 96:171(1987)
  • G.Dattoli, M.Galli, L.Giannessi, P.L.Ottaviani, M.Richetta. "Linear Undular Brightness: Sextupolar Magnetic Field Contributions and Higher Orders Energy Corrections for Low Energy Electron Beams" Nuovo Cimento 107B (1992) 1135.
  • Galli,M., Cappi,A. , Focardi,P. , Gregorini,L., Vettolani,G. "Redshift of Southern Rich Clusters" Astr.Astroph.Suppl. 101:259 (1993)
  • G.Dattoli, M.Galli and P.L.Ottaviani. "Anharmonic betatron motion in linearly polarized undulators." J.Appl.Phys. 73:11 (1993)
  • L.H.Barone, K.Blazek, D.Bollini, A.Del Guerra, F. de Notaristefani, G.De Vincentis, G.Di Domenico, M.Galli, M.Giganti, P.Maly, R.Pani, R.Pellegrini, A.Pergola, A.Piffanelli, F.Scopinaro, A.Soluri, F.Vittori. "Toward a nuclear medicine with sub-millimeter spatial resolution" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 360:302(1995)
  • L.M.Barone, K.Blazek, D.Bollini, A.Del Guerra, Notaristefani, G.Di Domenico, M.Galli, P.Maly, R.Pani, R.Pellegrini, A.Pergola, A.Piffanelli, F.Scopinaro, A.Soluri, F.Vittori, G.Zavattini, "A detector for submillimeter gamma cameras" Nucl. Phys.B ,Proc. Suppl. Vol. 44 , pag.729-733, Nov. 1995
  • M.Galli, P. Focardi. "Bias in Velocity Dispersion Measurement" Astr.Lett. and Comm., Vol. 36, pp 103-106 (1997)
  • D.Bollini, A. Del Guerra, G. Di Domenico, M. Galli, M. Gambaccini and G. Zavattini. "Sub-Millimeter Planar Imaging with positrons emitters: EGS4 code simulation and experimental results" IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. Vol.43, n.3, pp. 1499-1502, Aug. 1997.
  • A.Bevilacqua, D.Bollini, R.Campanini, N.Lanconelli ,M.Galli "A New Approach to Image Reconstruction in Positron Emission Tomography Using Neural Networks" Int.J.Mod. Phys. C, Vol.9, N.1, pg 71 (1998)
  • N.Auricchio et al."The MiniCalorimeter of the AGILE satellite" Prooceeding of the SPIE, Vol 4497, pg.19, 2001
  • F.Longo et al." AGILE and gamma-ray astrophysics " Nuclear Physics B Vol. 124 B pg. 222-229, 2003
  • M.Tavani et al." The AGILE space mission " Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 588:52(2008)
  • F.Fuschino et al." Search of GRB with AGILE Minicalorimeter " Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 588:17(2008)
  • M.Galli et al." AGILE mini-calorimeter gamma-ray burst catalog " Astronomy & Astrophysics 553, A33 (2013)
  • M.Marisaldi, M.Galli et al."On the high-energy spectral component and fine time structure of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes " J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres. Vol.124, Issue 14, pg.7484-7497 (2019)

In this link a nearly complete list of pubblication.