Drupal 8 installation and configuration:
an example site

Blocks and regions

Now, that we have all the needed elements, it's time to organize our web site, filling the regions with our blocks; more blocks can be in a same region.

We go to the "Block Layout" tab of the block management page, shown in the image below.

In the first column we have region names (in bold), below each region name there is the list of blocks in that region. Near the region name there is a button named: "Palce block", to place blocks in the region.

Each block is described by a line, with the block name and, in the third column, the region in which the block is placed. The button: "Operations" allows for block configuration.
Blocks can be also moved by mouse, using the cross shaped handle at right.

Each available (and active) theme has its own independent block organization and settings: we have, at top, tabs for our themes: "Danland", "Bartik", "Seven"; now we organize the Danland theme.

If we click on the "Place block" button, near a region name, a list of the available blocks appear and we can choose a block for the region.
We put the "Site branding" block in the "Header" region. In the following picture we show the configuration for the block.

This is a block with general information on our site. Here we enable: the site logo, the name and slogan, which will be shown in the block as defined in the theme configuration. We can also restrict the visibility of the block to content types, single pages or user roles.
In the "Search" region we put the search form block, with options to display the title. This block will be visible in all pages of our web site.

In the right sidebar region we put our contact form block, but we don't want this block appear in some pages, as the front page or the pages for our main sections.

In the "breadcrumb" region we put the "breadcrumb" block, in the "Main content" region the "Page title" block and the "Main page content". In the three regions: "Bottom first", "Bottom middle" and "Bottom last" we put our custom blocks with links to our main sections. In "Bottom 1" our general contact form, in "Bottom 4" a custom block with links to social networks. In the "Footer region" a custom footer block. The whole configuration is shown in the followingfigure.
The blocks with links to our main sections are only made visible in some pages, as the "front" or the "home" page; for this there is a setting in the "visibility" section of of the block configuration, as shown in the following figure.

The appearance of our site is now defined, we need only to add contents... and, obviously, correct all the little errors which are inevitably done in building the complex structure of a Drupal site.

the site
the site